Our Team

Josh Bonot

Hello! My name is Joshua Paul Adriano Bonot, but you can call me Josh. I am the Lead Photographer here at Cornerstone, you may have seen me running around with my camera at some point. As a child of someone who served in the military I moved around a lot and somehow managed to end up here with my mom, my sister, my grandma, and my super cool tortoise. I was born into Christ and never took it seriously as a child until I finally learned how to listen and God spoke to me. Not knowing where to take my next step after baptism, I decided to regularly volunteer in the high school ministry where I soon found my passion and talent for photography. After graduating high school, I stayed local and continued to take photos for Cornerstone until an opportunity to take photos for the church as a job lead me to where I am today.
The earliest memory I have serving in the church was actually when I volunteering in the production ministry and operating cameras during main service. I felt a sense of pride in volunteering and stayed this because of the encouragement from my community. Being a photographer here allowed me to capture the moments I have with my community and be able to share those moments with you, it’s truly my favorite part when someone ends up seeing a photo I took and reacting in a way that says they love it. Moments like those make me want to do more and continue to be creative.
What is your role at Cornerstone?
I am Lead Photographer. That means I take the pretty pictures for all the ministries that you might see on our social media, Sunday services, or even on our patio. Taking pictures of every ministry is really difficult for one person, so I also teach and lead our volunteers to do the same thing I do and encourage them to try to take pictures in their own style of creativity.
Describe your job in five words
Go-to coffee shop order?
An iced mocha, in warm or cold weather, I like it sweet so I get it with an extra pump of white mocha syrup.
Top 3 worship songs on your playlist
Reckless Love
Who Am I
Voice of Truth
Favorite quote of all time?
My favorite quote is in Latin, “Semper uniti, Divisi ma,” which means "Always united, never divided.'
What is your hope for Cornerstone?