Our Team

Helen Fanning
Outreach Coordinator

I'm Helen and I grew up in Garden Grove and moved to Riverside County in 2014. I am married to my husband, Jacob, and we have three children together- Ella, Leila and Jackson. We are currently looking to expand our family through adoption and I'm excited to see God's plan is for our family.
My husband and our marriage is the reason I came to Christ and the reason I continue my walk every day. My husband was raised in a religious household and I could tell something was missing for him. We found Cornerstone and have been attending consistently for the last seven years. When our marriage fell on hard times, it was God that got us through it. We found multiple groups here at Cornerstone including Celebrate Recovery, a Marriage group, a Discipleship group and Parenting group; all of which helped us navigate our struggles and brought us through it all stronger than ever. We have built an amazing church family that encourages us to be the best we can be every day and is there when we struggle.
I have been volunteering in CKiDS jr. for about five years. Each Sunday, you'll find me in the two year old class during the 10:30am service. In June of 2024, God put it on my heart to prioritize my family and my children so I stepped away from my career which was full time and emotionally demanding. During that time, Pastor Mark reached out to me about joining the Missions and Outreach team here at Cornerstone. Working in ministry has allowed me to continue to grow in my relationship with Jesus and continue to work to help our community.
What is your role at Cornerstone?
I act as a liaison between our church members and the various nonprofits in the community. Whether a member of the church wants to help others or needs help themselves I am available to assist.
Describe your job in five words
Inspiring people to serve others
Go-to coffee shop order?
Dark Roast with Heavy Cream
Top 3 worship songs on your playlist
I Thank God
Who You Are To Me
Trust in You
Favorite quote of all time?
“You may be the only Bible some people will ever read.” ― William J. Toms
What is your hope for Cornerstone?
To be the church that is known for loving everyone.