Our Team

Ashly Czaja
Cornerstone Coffee

I was raised in the South Bay area of LA and had the privilege of accepting Jesus when I was five years old at my church’s VBS. Since then I have had so many amazing opportunities to grow in Him including worship, local and international outreaches, and serving in youth ministry. He has always been my stability and grounding in life and I love being able to see others truly get that for themselves, which is why I love ministry!
What is your role at Cornerstone?
Managing all your coffee needs!
Describe your job in five words
Caffeinated, delicious, awesome, creative & team-oriented.
Go-to coffee shop order?
Small iced latte w/ whole milk + extra ice
Top 3 worship songs on your playlist
He’s Always Been Faithful - Chelsea Moon
The Blood - Bethel
pure - Abbie Gamboa
Favorite quote of all time?
Piglet: “How do you spell love?.”
Winnie the Pooh: “You don’t spell it, you feel it.”
What is your hope for Cornerstone?
For us to grow in our love for God & others 🤍