Our Team

Amanda Zamora
Groups Coordinator

I'm a born and raised SoCal girl hailing from LA. I came to know Christ at a young age after growing up in a non-Spiritual household. The Lord knew I needed a loving Father and He drew me in! By age 13, I was walking to church by myself and attending youth conferences.
Fast forward several years and I married my high school sweetheart, David. We have two beautiful children who are constantly cracking us up! I have had a passion for helping others my whole life and earned a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and a minor in Sociology. I particularly enjoyed providing therapy to youth and their families through family therapy.
I have served in ministry for over 8 years at two different local churches in various capacities. I love getting to use my career training and creative brain to serve The Lord! My favorite thing about serving in Groups at Cornerstone is helping people come together to build community and support one another.
What is your role at Cornerstone?
I'm a self-proclaimed people builder. Building community and fellowship is important and I love to connect people. From back end tasks to leader training (and more), if Group leaders or members have a need, I'm there to help!
Describe your job in five words
I help groups run smoothly.
Go-to coffee shop order?
Chai latte
Top 3 worship songs on your playlist
Won't He Do It
Fight For Me
Favorite quote of all time?
“Pray about everything.” My life verse: Philippians 4: 4-8 (and 9!)
What is your hope for Cornerstone?
That as a church, we would continue to show up in big and small ways as The Lord's hands and feet. I pray that Cornerstone would pursue Christ boldly and never shy away from following His direction.