All Church

November 28
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Fall Food Drive
Cornerstone Community Church will host our very own fall food drive. Presented by Lake Elsinore Community Missions. We will work in conjunction with Hope Food pantry to serve our local community for the Thanksgiving holiday season.
Food Items:
Mac N’ Cheese
Top Ramen/Cup-O-Soup
Boxed Meals
Hot Cereal & Boxed Cereal
Peanut Butter/Jelly
Soup (All Kinds)
Canned Meat (Spam, Chicken, Etc.)
Crackers & Cookies
Granola Bars
Canned Corn
Canned Greens
Canned Pasta (Spaghetti O’s, Ravioli, Etc.)
***No Glass Containers Please***
Other food as well as fresh produce is also welcomed!